"Well-behaved women rarely make history..."

Tuesday 30 March 2010


I have now created a new blog for everyone interested..


Loads of makeup, pictures, tricks, how-to's and much more!

Sunday 7 March 2010

Danish Fashion Outlet, you owe me a pair of new feet!
Yesterday and today I've been working in a stand for Tina Casmose at Danish Fashion Outlet. God, 8 hours of standing around.. My feet feels like pumping basses! But though, I got payed with clothes so no problemo! ;)
Well, it was a cool experience except the music guy who apperently only could afford one CD (which was put on repeat but days..)
And a big THANK YOU to Joe and the Juice for providing us with delicious sandwhiches and forfreshing smoothies, juices and shakes!

Over and out.

Saturday 20 February 2010

It's been too long..
And in 6 days im going to Cannes to collect mon amour :')
And that's it!

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Je t'aime

Saturday 6 February 2010

chez Anders.. or at Anders' house xD drunk as usual. Always good with Hannah Montana at your site.. Always sad that the hour hasn't passed midnight... Well an experiment.. does people tell the truth when they've had somehting to drink? some yes, some no. This is very honest: Anders is cool! Ive laughed the whooooole night! im pissed yes, that's a fact and tomorrow ill probs look at this block and think shit i was pissed but at least its funny for now! So.. Mikkel's put on Hannah Montana and is actually dancing around. NO MORE FERDE BRANCE FOR MIKKEL! im out. Smoking? YES SIR! See ya' ..for an emberrasing correctment tomorrow! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Wednesday 3 February 2010

It's finished with texts and calls to the outside world. Received a rather large telephone bill today (I could have been on two sunny holidays and one hell of a shopping-day for that bill!). Well, it resulted in Daddy's put a block on every text or call on its way outside of Danish lines. Pff! And my phone, who has always been there for me and supported me, and now it denies my very important texts to the outside world! It's a disgrace...

By the way, got a personal call today from my conscience, or rather my Fitness center-thingy 'cause they juste wanted to check up on me, if I was okay, since I haven't been there for a week. Sweet thought but I don't like the taste in my mouth after the white lie both about illness and homework! I panicked! What's to do?!... Be happy! "You have an aerobic-session saturday morning at 10:00 am!"

I'm wishing for a less snowy and cold day tomorrow (but what the fuck does it help..?!)..

- "Dear God, please clean up your mess. Amen!"

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Denmark is today covered with snow, not only the ground, the air too. I'm looking forward to the winter's over!

It's a day like today, where you need that sweet and loving guy next to you to warm you up.. BUT! Instead I've got my dog who doesn't really care about how much love and caring I need right now. Well at least I don't expect him to when he's lying in my couch and is "washing" his genetil areas..

I miss you
